Tuesday 30 August 2011

A Dog's Friday : Director's Novel on Movie 'Shabri' s Journey to Release

Actor-writer turned director Lalit Marathe who waited for long five year to release his directorial debut "Shabri" under Ram Gopal Varma production is ready with his movie and a novel essaying the journey from the making to the release of the film.

Lalit Marathe is not sure what exactly caused delay in release of movie which was scheduled in August 2006. However he utilized the time perfectly and penned the novel on sort of unending journey of the movie.

"There is this novel I have written, which would be published very soon, called 'A Dog's Friday' because I felt like a dog waiting for his Friday. It's about a director's journey till his film is released. It's almost an autobiography. It's an interesting story dealing with incidents during the making of 'Shabri'," Marathe told IANS.

"Shabri is a film on the personal journey of a woman in the underworld and her emotional experiences," Marathe said.

Although the distributors are not confident enough but Lalit believes that the film would reach out to a global audience.

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